Joel-Anthony Gray: CIH, BSEE, MAC
Expert Troubleshooter / Consulting Detective in EMF and the Epidemiology of Bioelectromagnetics with nearly 20 years experience conducting thousands of surveys for commercial & residential clients borrowing from a variety of interdisciplinary fields including electronic repair, RF telecommunications, automotive electrical, radio & instrumentation repair, nanotechnology, etc.
Education, Accreditation & Degrees
- B.S. Electrical Engineering / Nanoscience Technology Concentration with Honors – University of Texas at Dallas (UTD)
- B.S. Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering (pending) – UTD
- Graduate Certificate in Industrial Hygiene – Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
- A.S. Electronic Telecommunications – Eastfield College DCCCD
- DeepBench MIT Consulting
- A.C. Associate Consultant for AEI Consultants | Environmental & Engineering Services
- P.A. Partner Associate for Partner Engineering & Science Inc.
- CIH – (Certified Industrial Hygienist) Credential # 12082 CP ABIH / BGC – American Board of Industrial Hygiene / Board of Global Credentialing
- CSP – (Certified Safety Professional) BCSP
- Certified Radio & Instrumentation Technician – Delphi
- MAC (Mold Assessment Consultant) Texas Dept. of Health License # MAC1387
- AARST-NRPP Nationally Certified Radon Residential Measurement Provider ID # 108991 RT
- ARP (AARST Radon Professional) Measurement Professional with Multi-Family Measurement Certificate
- BOSIET CAEBS 5750 (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training) ID # 94305750140819871261
- ExxonMobil Offshore Pass (Sea Survival – HUET – Firefighting) # 08191341
Why a CIH Certification is important: (from the ABIH / BCG website at )
A Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) is an individual who has met the minimum requirements for education and experience, and through examination, has demonstrated a minimum level of knowledge and skills in the following rubric (subject matter) areas:
- Air Sampling & Instrumentation
- Analytical Chemistry
- Basic Science
- Biohazards
- Biostatistics & Epidemiology
- Community Exposure
- Engineering Controls/Ventilation
- Ergonomics
- Health Risk Analysis & Hazard Communication
- IH Program Management
- Noise
- Non-Engineering Controls
- Radiation – Ionizing and Non-ionizing
- Thermal Stressors
- Toxicology
- Work Environments & Industrial Processes
Joel Gray is a certified Instrumentation and Radio Technician with a degree in Electronic Telecommunications; and earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering with Honors at the University of Texas at Dallas with a Minor in Nanotechnology. His completed coursework has included intensive classes in Electromagnetics, RF Design, Communication Systems and Signals & Systems. He is now continuing on to finish a degree in Biomedical Engineering.
He has also recently attended an official course for Radiation Safety Officers offered by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and recently completed advanced courses in Biology, Advanced Microbiology, Biomaterials and Medical Devices, Human Physiology for Electrical Engineers to better understand biochemical reactions at the cellular level.
Joel-Anthony Gray – Mold Assessment Consultant Texas MAC ID # MAC1387
AARST – NRPP National Radon Proficiency Program Measurement Provider License #108991 RT
Scantech was started as a specialized technical consulting service nearly 20 years ago in 2002 and has been conducting EMF / EMI / RF / Radon / Radiation and other energy surveys / consultations / inspections for hundreds of highly satisfied homeowners and businesses including many Fortune 500 corporations in the Dallas / Fort Worth area and beyond. ScanTech has had experience in radon gas and radiation testing for several years, a certificate in X-Ray Safety and has an ongoing education in medical geology and environmental chemistry.
In conjunction with receiving a recent degree in Electrical Engineering, Joel-Anthony Gray has over twenty years of technical experience in the fields of computer repair, information technology, networking, audio/video equipment, photography, electronics, electromechanical control systems, automotive mechanics, wireless networks, telecom, biomedical technology, chemistry, microscopy, plasma physics, radiation measurement, ultra-high vacuum systems and nanotechnology including semiconductor fabrication and characterization.
His broad technical background and expert troubleshooting ability in a variety of fields enables him to find relevant insights and offer fresh perspectives in order to solve difficult problems quickly and cost effectively.
Electromagnetics I (EE 4301)
RF Circuit Design (EE 4368)
RFID Industrial Applications (LMGT 1301)
Organic Chemistry I & II (CHEM 2323 / 2325)
Physical Chemistry & Thermodynamics with Biomedical Engineering Applications (BMEN 3315)
Bioengineering I & II (BMEN 1100 / 1208)
Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (NANO 3301)
Nanotechnology Research (1 year) (NANO 4V95 / 4V97)
Nanoscale Fabrication Engineering (Integrated Circuit Technology) (EE 4330)
Nanotech Instrumentation, Microscopy & Spectroscopy (NANO 3302)
Plasma Technology / Plasma Physics (PHYS 6383 / NANO 4391)
Materials Science (NANO 3310)
Advanced Electron Microscopy (MSEN 6340)
Nanotechnology Internship (NANO 2486)
Astrophysics I (PHYS 3380)
Extragalactic Astrophysics (PHYS 4392)
Oceanography (ISNS 2367 / GEOL 1345)
Weather & Climate (ISNS 2368)
Natural Disasters: Volcanoes & Earthquakes (ISNS 2359)
Medical Terminology (HLTH 3101)
Advanced Microbiology (BIOL 2421)
Engineering Physiology of the Human Body (BMEN 3330)
Engineered Biomaterials (BMEN 3318)
Biomaterials & Medical Devices (BMEN 4360)
Medical Imaging (BMEN 3380)
Medical Device Development (BMEN 6630)
Pathophysiology – Biological Basis of Health & Disease (BIOL 2350)
Immunoengineering / Immunology with an emphasis on CoViD-19 (BMEN 4V95)
- Principles of Industrial Hygiene (GEHS-6720)
- Radiological Health (GEHS-6300)
- Principles of Toxicology (GEHS 6600)
- Physical Agents & Ergonomic Hazards in the Workplace (GEHS 6620) – Non–Ionizing Radiation (NIRAD) Noise, Vibration & Heat Stress
University of Texas at Dallas
- Electromagnetics I (EE 4301)
- RF Circuit Design (EE 4368)
- Organic Chemistry I & II (CHEM 2323 / 2325)
- Introduction to Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (NANO 3301)
- Nanotechnology Research (1 year) (NANO 4V95 / 4V97)
- Nanoscale Fabrication Engineering (Integrated Circuit Technology) (EE 4330)
- Nanotech Instrumentation, Microscopy & Spectroscopy (NANO 3302)
- Plasma Technology / Plasma Science (PHYS 6383 / NANO 4391)
- Materials Science (NANO 3310)
- Advanced Electron Microscopy (MSEN 6340)
- Nanotechnology Internship (NANO 2486)
- Engineering Physiology of the Human Body (BMEN 3330)
- Biomaterials & Medical Devices (BMEN 4360)
Independent Coursework
- Biology I for Science Majors (BIOL 1406)
- Advanced Microbiology (BIOL 2421)
Tulane School of Public Health & Tropical Medicine
- Principles of Industrial Hygiene (GEHS-6720)
- Radiological Health (GEHS-6300)